Vårt samarbete med SOBER recovery and rehabilitation center, Katmandu, Nepal​.

Nämndemansgården bedriver gemensamt arbete med ömsesidiga besök och kunskapsutbyten tillsammans med SOBER recovery and rehabilitation center, Katmandu, Nepal​. Två gånger om året ​tillsammans med Ferle Produkter AB stödjer vi också med drogtester för verksamheten där.

Läs vad Mr Tsering Wangdu, grundare av SOBER recovery and rehabilitation center, skriver;

”SOBER recovery and rehabilitation center is a non government, a non profit making business. It´s established in 2009. Before that it was working as a drop-in counseling for male and female drog-and alcohol user from around Nepal. As substance abuse has become one of the major problems among the youth in Nepal, it´s really an honor to get the chance to share the knowledge with leading rehabilitation like Nämndemansgarden, it´s really useful to us and we are looking forward to the same cooperation in the future. So far we have treated 3000 people where 700 of those where female”


11:28 8 juni 2016


SOBER recovery and rehabilitation center
